Beiyi Wang 


Side Dish

I grew up in my parent's restaurant, where the fast-paced cooking and eating epitomized the way food is seen as fuel in modern life. Observing the rush of diners and staff, I realized that our genuine enjoyment of food was often overlooked. This experience provided the inspiration and entry point for this project, a work that acts as a dish side to a meal, helping diners reconnect with food in their fast-paced lives by providing a physical environment where they can slow down and savor their food.

Ritualistic Installation , August 2024

Today I had meeting with apple, stone and matsutake

In this project, I proposed that humans can talk to nature and the universe. I imagine bio as a social community, discussing matter and bacteria and having a typical discussion about values. How does nature define"Value" by observing how non-human organisms use resources to create"Value." It is a predictive design based on non-human-centered thinking, hoping to give the audience a new perspective and stimulate human thinking about spontaneous order in society.

Performance, January 2023

Autumn Snow: The Blanket of Messaging Forms in
Times of War

The rupture of balloons serves as an allegory for war, and the leaflets released by the air are interpreted as indications of impending hostilities. The virtual map represents the physical world, while the repetitive action of disassembling the map symbolizes the ever-changing process of world map fragmentation and integration. This series of dismantling and merging forms a symbol that presents the impact of war on geographic space and social structure. The relationship between the audience and the performance reflects the simulation effect of the media's presentation of war-related information, creating a sense of distance and unfamiliarity for those who haven't experienced it, akin to another world outside the snowflake ball. 

Performance, Graphic, December 2023


This project was inspired by my observation of the silkworm process. This natural process brought me to think about the rhythms of life should we recover the biological rhythms broken by high-speed civilization? In the project, I tried to find ways to heal contemporary emotional and sleep problems in meditation and Zen Buddhism. In the end,
I have done it - through the metaphorical cocoon. I hope to provide the audience with an opportunity to pause and experience our true individual needs and rhythms of life. 

Sound programming, Performance, Graphic, 
August 2022

Free Bagel Society: 

The existence of a civilized order holds significance in upholding social stability and safeguarding the rights and interests of individuals from undue infringement. Furthermore, the development of numerous laws has gradually improved in tandem with societal progress. Nevertheless, when pausing at this juncture and examining the surrounding environment, it becomes apparent that a discernible positive association exists between social distance and amicability among individuals and the advancement of urban civilization and its pace.

Food installation, October 2023

Lixin is me 

My parent's 25-year-old Halal restaurant, Yiyuan Zhai, was one of my childhood's primary focuses, symbolizing my identity and the formation of national consciousness. As a member of a young generation of nonreligious Chinese Hui people, who grew up in an integrated society, I discovered in myself a continuation of the distinctive national characteristic of the nomadic people, migration. In this project, I will examine the future state I anticipate, a de-religious cultural continuity. 

Experimental Type, Sculpture, November 2022

The World as Revealed 
through the Eyes
of a Taotie

Tingqi Liu & Beiyi Wang

The World as Revealed through the Eyes of a Taotie is a high-dimensional world constructed from the perspective of the mythical creature Taotie. This world is based on the unfolding of the three-dimensional world in which humans reside, and it experimentally explores the structure of the world from the perspective of 
high-dimensional beings.

Collaborative project, Installation, November 2022

Sensory Tennis 

This project is mainly for those with visual impairs. As a retired tennis player, I intend to share this familiar sport. I have created a concept book about how a tennis game could be "read" by the visually impaired and others and I hope to add more value to the game through my design transformation. At the same time, I want to explore the boundaries of visual communication and create more possibilities for a visual worker like me. 

Book design, April 2022